
Transfer Your File / Claim

If you are not happy with your current legal representation, then change!

You have the right to change your legal representation at any time.

We have been approached by many existing and former client's explaining that they are not happy with the service they were being provided with and asked if we could help.

With our client's permission we simply write to the existing law firm and requested that they transfer the file of papers to  us and that we were taking over the conduct of the claim.

We provided the existing firms with an undertaking that if the claim was successfully concluded once we had taken over the conduct then we would make sure that they recovered the legal costs they were entitled to. 

On every occasion we have not experienced a law firm who was not willing to agree to this approach.

If you would like us to consider taking over your existing claim please get in touch.

Enquire / Start Your Claim

Simply complete the form below 24/7/365 and we will get in touch with you to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us directly instead.